Surviving Again

Right after wrapping Scandal for the final time, I hopped on a plane for Toronto, never to return. Well, at least not return to LA until 2018. A steady stream of work on the road until sometime in the spring.

Starting with – a return to Designated Survivor! Which is where I’ve been for the last week prepping to shoot episode 212. I was here in April, which was 12 episodes ago. Nice to be back here with (mostly) the same crew and cast. Lots of fun stuff planned for this one and more cryptic updates to come.

Scandal 707 Shoot Days 4-9

So I’ve been really bad at updating this site. Chalk that up to busy weekends and moving out of our little home so I can go on the road for the next five months.

The final half of the Scandal 707 shoot went smoothly. We had very reasonable days and the usual fun challenges of making this show.

The ending was bittersweet for sure. It’s the final time I’ll be working with this group of actors, crew, and staff on this particular show – a show I’ve now directed more than any other. I learned a lot and my work on Scandal led to even more chances to direct at other shows – both at Shondaland and elsewhere.

But, as they say, the show must go on. And so must I – heading now to Toronto for Designated Survivor again. Will try to do a little better with the cryptic updates.

Scandal Prep and Shoot Days 1-4

I just realized I hadn’t updated this even remotely from the time I finished up on Once Upon A Time to Scandal prep to the first few days of shooting.

I’m back in the world of Scandal for the final time. It’s the final season so it’s bittersweet being here. I’m going to miss this great cast and crew.

My first four days were on set, including most of our standing sets, so the cryptic updates would be even more undecipherable than usual. Back at it this week!